Hidden Town
Students in the Department of English at Wake Forest University worked with Old Salem Museums and Gardens to develop the following exhibit. Our goal is to teach people about their groundbreaking Hidden Town Project: an initiative to research the repressed history of the enslaved Africans and African Americans who lived in what we now call “Old Salem” and to make that research visible to the community.
Ahab Unbound: Melville and the Materialist Turn
Why Captain Ahab is worthy of our fear—and our compassion
Ahab Unbound advances an urgent inquiry into Melville’s emergence as a center of gravity for materialist work, reframing his infamous whaling captain in terms of conversations in animal studies, critical race and ethnic studies, disability studies, environmental humanities, medical humanities, political theory, and posthumanism. It makes a case for the vitality of materialist inquiry and the continued resonance of Melville’s work.

Environmental Destruction
Students in the Department of English and the Environmental Program at Wake Forest University developed the following virtual exhibit. Its goal is to teach people about the history and contexts of pressing environmental matters of concern. Each slide will take you to a digital essay or short documentary that was produced as the capstone project in an Introduction to the Environmental Humanities course. These projects should be accessible for learners at all levels: students, teachers, parents, or people who want to learn more.